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Refund policy

You have the right to cancel at any time from the moment you place your online order, and up to 14 days from the day you receive your goods.

This means you have sufficient time to make up your mind about your purchase and you don't have to feel rushed.

We do have to charge for a return delivery, unless the item was delivered in error or is defective. So we do ask that you pay for the cost of sending it back.

That being said, we do try to keep the charges as low and as fair as possible. This is not about making profit out of your return!

Naturally, if the product is defective or delivered in error we will cover the cost.

If the product has been used and returned during the 14-day period, the amount of the refund will depend on the item’s condition and on any damage from use, cosmetic or otherwise.

We ask that returned items come back in original packaging. If they are not, and other packaging and collection services are needed, you must pay the extra costs.

We send out refunds as soon as possible but no later than 14 days of us agreeing to your refund providing your goods are returned to us. You are responsible for looking after the product until we collect it. The same applies if you want to bring it back to us yourself.